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The Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP) is a document designed to guide building occupants with their emergency planning and response efforts. Each building will have a Building Emergency Action Plan to provide basic direction to departments and building occupants regarding the necessary actions to take during an emergency. 


The goal of the Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP) is to provide basic direction to all building occupants in advance for what may happen while they are in the building and provide information on how to react to that scenario. 


The BEAP also identifies building and floor coordinators who take the lead in creating and updating the plan. Additionally, they may assist in enacting required emergency procedures should the need arise.


The BEAP also tracks updates of requirements and establishes annual exercise schedules used to test the plan.

Online BEAP Maintenance

BEAPs are maintained through an online tool. To view the BEAPs for the buildings in which you work, go to BEAP and login using your LinkBlue ID.

Each BEAP is maintained by a Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC). If you are a BEC, log into the same site to update the BEAP for your assigned building. If you need BEC access to the BEAP tool, or if you need assistance in importing an old BEAP document into the tool, please contact us at or call 859-218-2341.