Cat's Path is comprised of a series of walking routes that span central campus and provide the University of Kentucky community with a convenient method of navigating campus on a network of popular paths.

Cat's Path
About Cat's Path
The concept for the Cat's Path is a product of the 2005 University of Kentucky Safety Imperative, a comprehensive program spearheaded by President Todd and the President's Women Safety Advisory Council.
The Cat's Path walking route is a tangible result of this effort and speaks to the level of commitment the University has made to reducing violence against women at the University of Kentucky. The Path represents many hours, weeks, and months of work by a team of individuals from across campus in many different departments including the University of Kentucky Police Department, Physical Plant Division, Transportation Services, Office of Institutional Equality, Environmental Heath and Safety, Campus Services, Facilities Management, and the Center for Research on Violence Against Women.
The routes were specifically chosen due to their frequent use and accessibility to major campus destinations. Marked with highly visible signage and paw print ground logos, the Cat's Path is patrolled frequently by University Police on foot or on bike. Many of the security cameras and Blue Emergency Phone towers on campus were installed along the Cat's Path to provide the ability for Police and Communications officers to observe these areas remotely.
Students, faculty, staff and guests are encouraged to choose these routes to heighten their visibility, particularly during hours of limited light. The paths are not designed to replace current personal safety efforts, such as traveling in groups and remaining alert; however, the increased police presence and path improvements will be an additional resource in your personal safety.