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What is UK Alert?

UK Alert is the university's emergency notification system intended to inform the campus community in the event of an emergency. Messages can be sent via text messaging, email, and phone calls. 

Why should I sign up?

UK Alert allows you to decide how you want to receive emergency notifications about situations occurring on campus. You may enter multiple devices (landline, mobile phone, e-mail) on which to receive notifications.

How do I sign up?

UK students, faculty, and staff are automatically signed up with their official university e-mail address. To add other notification devices (mobile phone, alternate e-mail) simply log-in to myUK and click the UK Alert tab. You will see your information and be able to make any changes you would like. If you are a parent, visitor, media member or other interested party, go here to reach the sign up page. Once you have created a username and password, you can log into the system any time you need to update or add information.

Will my information be kept private?

Yes, the information that you put into the UK Alert system is private and will not be shared with anyone.

When should I expect to receive notifications?

You will receive at least two test messages a year. These will allow us to ensure the system is functioning properly and users are receiving the messages. Other than those test messages, UK Alert will only notify you when there is a disruption to normal campus operations or an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community. This could include but is not limited to: an explosion, bomb threat, fire, hazardous material release, hostage incident, active aggressor incident, structural failure, tornado warnings, campus closure or delayed opening, etc. You will NOT receive campus event announcements, class reminders, advertisements, or "SPAM" type messages.

How will I know when the call is from UK Alert?

  • Phone calls (mobile or landline) from UK Alert will show the number: 859-257-9000
  • Text messages will come from a 5 digit shortcode and will be different from alert to alert.  
  • E-mails will come from the address: 

Simply save this information to your mobile phone and e-mail address books as UK Alert and “UK Alert” will automatically display it is an urgent message.

What will UK Alert messages look like?

UK Alert messages will be short and to the point. A text message or e-mail may look like this:

URGENT! The National Weather Service has issued a TORNADO WARNING for the Lexington area until 0150. Please seek shelter immediately! Repeat, TORNADO WARNING, seek shelter immediately!

What is the difference between a UK Alert notification and a campus crime bulletin?

  • UK Alert notifications will only be issued when immediate action is required by the recipient, such as the need to seek shelter immediately, or when there is a significant disruption to campus operations such as a delay due to inclement weather.
  • Campus Crime Bulletins are issued when a crime has occurred that represents a threat or on-going danger to the safety of the campus community. Immediate action is not necessarily required by the recipient but the information contained in the Crime Bulletin is still deemed important and pressing. Crime Bulletins are also prevention oriented and meant to remind or educate the campus community of specific events or trends that may assist in preventing further occurrence of a crime. They are issued via broadcast emails, posted on the UK Website, provided to local media and flyers are printed and distributed throughout campus.

Is it possible to set-up my UK Alert account so that I only receive notifications during normal business hours?

  • No, if you do not want to receive alerts when you are not on campus or when you may be sleeping, our suggestion is to carefully choose which devices you register.  For instance, if you work on campus and don't want to receive alerts when you are at home, you should only register your work phone number and/or e-mail to receive alerts.
  • It should be noted that the UK Alert team recommends that each user register multiple devices as we cannot predict when an emergency may occur and what communication carriers may/may not be fully operational at the time.  Additionally, there may be times when you would want to be notified of an incident prior to arriving on campus.
  • As a reminder, UK Alert will only be utilized to send a notification when there is a disruption to normal campus operations or an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community.

I registered my mobile phone in UK Alert so that I could receive phone calls, but I am receiving text messages instead. Why is that?

Any number listed in the “mobile contacts” field will automatically receive a text (SMS) message with the option to also receive a phone call. If you would like to receive a phone call ONLY, delete your number from the “mobile contacts” field and list it instead in the “Voice Only Line Contacts” field.

I would no longer like to receive UK Alert notifications. How do I remove myself from the system?

Simply log into UK Alert (students, faculty and staff do this via myUK, all others may go here). Go to the “My Accounts” page, click “edit profile” and then click the “delete account” button at the bottom of the screen.