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The University of Kentucky Police Department looks for every opportunity to foster communications with all members of the community through education. The Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is an opportunity for citizens to gain insight into the daily functions and responsibilities of our law enforcement personnel. It also provides our community with knowledge into the University of Kentucky Police Department’s purpose, practices, and services. 

Once a citizen of our community participates and graduates from our CPA they can then become a member the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA).  Members of the Alumni Association help UK Police in community projects and needs of our agency.  More information will be given to you about CPAAA at the Citizens Police Academy you attend.

Topics presented during CPA include:

  • University Policing Overview / History
  • Criminal Procedure / Polygraph
  • K-9 Operations
  • Firearms / Use of Force
  • DUI Investigation
  • Dignitary Protection Team (DPT)
  • Crisis Management and Preparedness (CMP)
  • Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF)
  • Traffic Stops
  • Support Services

Course material will be presented through lecture, audio-visual aids, and interactive scenarios.

Course Availability

Courses are held twice a year. Dates and times are subject to change. Please watch our Facebook PageInstagram, and Twitter, for announcements about upcoming CPA classes and to get other great information from your University of Kentucky Police Department. 


The CPA is open to all faculty, staff, students, and members of the community who are 18 years or older and pass a background investigation. Prospective participants must complete a course application and submit to an electronic background check. To do so just register for the next class when it is available and answer the questions. 


The UK Citizens Police Academy is a free course that is held one day a week for ten weeks. Each night will bring a unique experience and a meal will be provided form a local restaurant. Classes will be held at The 90 located at 440 Hilltop Avenue, Lexington, KY. We are looking forward to taking this journey with you and growing in our community partnerships and relationships.

Spring 2025 registration is OPEN! 

Class begins on Feb. 17 and graduation will take place May 5.

*Note there is no class the week of spring break. 

Click here to get registered! 

For more information about the UK Citizens Police Academy, contact Community Services.