Police Operations is responsible for providing law enforcement and safety services for the University of Kentucky community. Our unit is comprised of patrol services, specialized units and police training.

Police Operations
Specialized Units
Our Police Department is made up of over 17 unique law enforcement units that were constructed to serve very specific needs required from within the University of Kentucky community. These units are comprised of explosive detection canines, motorcycle patrol, dignitary protection, flex and an honor guard. Officers that are assigned to these units are generally selected through an application process or at the direction of the Chief of Police. All specialized units at the University of Kentucky Police Department are part-time assignments, as the majority of police officers have primary duties as patrol officers.
Special Victims Unit
In 2020 the University of Kentucky Police Department created a Special Victims Unit which consists of a Special Victims Unit Lieutenant, Detective, and Victims Advocate. These dedicated professionals help victims of interpersonal violence navigate through the criminal justice system with respect and integrity.
The mission of the Special Victims Unit is to provide compassionate support services to survivors of interpersonal violence while removing barriers of reporting. We are committed to holding offenders accountable within the criminal justice system by maintaining quality police services with timely, thorough, and trauma-informed investigative techniques.
The Special Victims Unit investigates incidents of sexual assault and abuse, relationship violence, stalking, and harassment that occur on UK property. If you or someone you know has experienced interpersonal violence here at UK, please click here for important information regarding support services, victims’ rights, and next steps.
K-9 Unit
The University of Kentucky Police Department K-9 unit was established in 2004 and is under the direction of Police Operations. Currently there are six canine teams at the police department. Four canines are for explosive detection and are dual trained for tracking and evidence recovery. There are two critical response canine teams for response and comfort during critical incidents. All canines are non-aggressive and work hand-in-hand with University of Kentucky sporting events, dignitary protection as well as assisting outside agencies when help is needed. All canine teams have participated in numerous community service outreach programs that range from demonstrations in several fraternity/sorority and residence housing as well as numerous local elementary and middle schools around central Kentucky.
Motorcycle Unit
Motorcycle Unit, established in 2004, serves a variety of functions for the campus and community. The primary responsibility is that of traffic enforcement and traffic safety surveys in the campus area. The motorcycles are highly maneuverable and can respond to emergency calls in areas where a car cannot.
Motor Unit performs escort duties for funeral services, parades, and other special operations on campus such as Athletics events where the unit takes a prominent position to proudly lead the team into the stadium. The unit takes pride in representing the department at charity functions, visits to schools, and at community affairs events to interact with all ages of the community.
Dignitary Protection Team
The Dignitary Protection Team's goal is to afford professional protective, assessment and logistical services to visiting public figures and University executives. Additionally, when requested, the team coordinates with other agencies to provide mutual support for protection of public figures. Dignitary Protection Team members receive their baseline training from the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Services training in Washington D.C. As part of their ongoing professional development, the Dignitary officers have attended the Kentucky State Police dignitary protection course, and the Ohio Peace Officers Academy.
The University’s Dignitary Protection Team serves as liaison with many Federal and State level agencies in the planning and protection of high profile public figures to the University. Such as, U.S. and Foreign Heads of State, U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and Former Prime Ministers from Africa and Israel. In addition, the Dignitary Protection Team is permanently assigned, and has the sole responsibility, for the security of UK’s Board of Trustees, and UK’s Office of the President.
Honor Guard
The Honor Guard Team represents the department by honoring the colors, the nation and fallen Public Service Heroes. This is a task that the team is proud to do and does not take lightly. The University of Kentucky Police Honor Guard was formed in 2011. All team members understand the importance to detail and the pride and honor that the team represents.
The Honor Guard Team presented colors at several events including the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), SEC Chief’s Conference, Honor Guard Gala and numerous sporting events. The Honor Guard Team participated in ceremonies to honor fallen officers from around Kentucky and the surrounding states including National Police Week in Washington, D.C.
Our Patrol services are comprised of three patrol shifts. These shifts are staffed 365 days per year, and 24 hours per day by at least one police supervisor, and a minimum of three uniformed police officers. Our police officers respond to a variety of calls for service that can range from a student in need of direction, a medical emergency, or a serious instance of alleged criminal activity.
Means of patrol include patrol vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, golf carts, and foot patrols to cover all of the University of Kentucky's property and roads.

Each University of Kentucky Police Officer has graduated from the Department of Criminal Justice Training (or its equivalent) and met all of Kentucky's Peace Officer Professional Standards as established by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council. In addition to the basic police academy training, each officer completes at a minimum, 40 hours of annual in-service training as well as additional in-house and specialized training in and out of state. In addition, police training is comprised of the Police Operations Captain and a designee that ensure all law enforcement training requirements are met and up-to-date throughout the calendar year. Police training representatives also seek out unique training opportunities that could potentially benefit the police department and university community.
Police Training is comprised of the Police Operations Captain and a designee that ensure all law enforcement training requirements are met and up-to-date throughout the calendar year. Police training representatives also seek out unique training opportunities that will benefit the police department and university community.
Upon successful completion of the DOCJT Training Academy, police officers return to UKPD as probationary police officers and begin an additional sixteen weeks of in-house police training under the direction of the department’s Police Training Officer (PTO) program. Final appointment as a police officer with the department does not occur until the probationary police officer successfully completes the PTO program.
University of Kentucky Police Chief Monroe possesses a strong dedication and unending commitment to officer development. As such, Chief Monroe consistently challenges his employees to seek out additional training opportunities throughout the year, and also urges department employees to continue their education through use of the University’s Employee Education Program (EEP).